Sunday, February 18, 2007

Look mommy, no hands!

Can you tell me she has no emotions? The nannies at the orphanage told us that Karina had no emotions. We would see her laying despondent in a ball pit or rocking back and forth with a green piece of foam before her eyes. God’s love has truly reformed a life before our very eyes.

Karina is all smiles and giggles these days – she has learned to walk. We are ecstatic with her, for we know even more what this means for her future. Learning to walk and feed oneself with a spoon before the age of 5 are some of the main goals we work towards in the orphanage. These are the requirements for special school here in Kyiv. Karina will be five in December of 2007. She has now all summer to steady her steps and get ready for school. We have hope that people will be investing in her life instead of her living in remote, poor, far away storage for handicapped. She can learn to read maybe, maybe learn some simple crafts or other way of making herself useful and help her find her place in a hopefully more accepting world 15 years from now.

Or maybe someone will adopt this beautiful, brown eyed little girl and she will get to live through all the colors of life with a family that enjoys her and accepts her and gives her emotions room to grow. She might be scared of the Santa Clause, cry when her pet hamster dies, be nervous before her first piano recital, exhausted after a camping trip and maybe fall in love and experience the pain and joy of parenting?

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