Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Can you see it???

Can you see it? From Baby Einstein we have learned that infants can sometimes really benefit from multi media. Our butterfly princess Eva took this picture of herself few weeks ago, obviously trying to tell me that she had pushed out her first tooth.

If you did not see it at first look, don't be ashamed. I did not get it at first either, but few days later she bit me to my finger and I understood the meaning behind series of pictures of her mouth. She is just more technically advanced than I thought she was.

This little clown has won the hearts of many. Even her doctor at the hospital is wrapped around her tiny pinky and came to coo at her three times during our last visit. "It is good to have friends in high places", comments Eva. And she is right.

Because of her special interest in Eva, this doctor went out and talked to Eva's mother about getting back her custody and giving it to us, so we could take her home and to another, privately owned hospital, where she could possibly get the heart operation she needs. They could also help to diagnose why she is not growing. The princess is already year and a half old, but barely weighs 10lb. The doctors here have determined that without more advanced medical help she may not live to see her 3rd birthday. Unfortunately the orphanage refused to grant the custody back to Eva's mother. Now we are trying the longer route, a couple from Netherlands, serving with our ministry, will try to adopt Eva.

We are asking for a huge favor from God attempting this, for Ukrainian adoption system will not allowe people to choose a child the future parents already know. This generally prevents orphanages from displaying and selling children (like we hear happens in Russia) and gives all the adoptable orphans the same opportunity to be adopted. Unfortunately it makes harder for us to intervene for a spesific child. We, and especially the couple from Netherlands need special guidancein who to talk to and what to reveal about their relationship with Eva, so that her name would appear on the list they will be given to choose their child.

We ask you to join with us in prayer, that when Eva looses the tooth she is now so happily sporting, she can take a picture of the hole and thank God for being a healthy six or seven year old. Or maybe her proud daddy will take the picture and she can smile at the camera surrounded by family and lots of adventures ahead of her.

- Sylvi -

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